I will join your life and you will change yours!
To all beautiful souls out there: this retreat is to bring more happiness, awareness and creativity into this universe, starting with your life!
This home retreat gives you a personal retreat to balance and change your life into a happy life. You will get: max. of 2 acitivities per day (morning, afternoon or eveningactivities). One part of the day you are free to fill in anyway you like to.
Extra costs:
* Accomodation if not possible in your home
* (Return) flight to your destination
The following happy concepts I can offer you in your home or surroundings:
Personal training sports + exercise plan for your future.
MediChiChu session during sunrise/sunset. A concious practise to balance and improve your energy.
H.E.A.L. coaching session (we will create your dream life, get tools to take action and you will start living your dream!). You will improve your happiness, become aware about your energy and attraction.
Breathing session: become aware of your oxygen flow and experience the power of breath. Teaching of different breathing techniques.
Photography. A photoshoot in the nature or in your home that shows that everyone is a model. You are beautiful just the way you are and love yourself is the best way to start your happy life!
HUG therapy. The power of energetically hugs make you release emotional pain & you will get more energy (and vibrate in a higher frequency).
Tantra teachings. This workshop is about love, life energy, sexual energy, accepting yourself, transforming and/or letting go and how to improve orgasms.
Sense8T massage. Using different techniques to release your body from negative energy, deep tissue massage for ultimate relaxation and brings a vibrant energy into your body. You will feel elevated after it.
Book this retreat and send a message with your wishes for your perfect Home Retreat!